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Contact Caxton Education





Caxton Education Ltd


PO Box 36411

Christchurch 8146

New Zealand

Telephone: +64 3 366 7091

Email: caxton@caxed.co.nz


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You receive books at the publisher's best price. As the publisher, Caxton Educational sells to you or to your school directly, keeping the books affordable.


Our Despatch Policy

Our standard policy is to freight all our books at the lowest possible cost, by the fastest method, directly to your school office. Books in stock will be despatched within two days.

Contact Us





Caxton Educational Ltd

PO Box 36411, Christchurch 8146, New Zealand. Telephone: +64 3 366 7091
Freephone: (NZ) 0800 MATHS4U (0800 628 474). Email: caxton@caxed.co.nz.


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